Assets and Storage

W3rlds provides instruments for creators to transform any content to ACI (Arhead Content Item) - a unique phygital format to store, show and share content across the physical and digital world.


All user content on the platform is saved in Storage. It's possible to put the following type of content on the platform:

  • 2D objects

    • Images (Jpeg, PNG) with a limit of 10Mb

    • Videos (MP4) with a limit of 100Mb

  • 3D objects

    • (GLB) with a limit of 50Mb

  • Avatars

    • (GLB) with bones structure

How to create

  1. Select Storage and tap on Add content

  2. Select the content type and upload the file

  3. Wait to finish uploading and editing content settings

Managing assets

Each asset has its own 'Card' in the Metaverse which could represent provided information and options. In CMS you can set up the following information:

  • Title;

  • Description;

  • Price;

  • Additional text properties;

  • Buttons

Two buttons are available, for which you can specify a name and a link that will lead to a third-party site or AR. The Button will be hidden if inputs are empty.

With these fields, you can easily configure what information the user will see in the metaverse when interacting with this object.

Last updated